How to Foster Inclusion in Virtual Workplaces
A Talk by Kay Fabella (DEI & Remote Team Specialist, Kay Fabella Consulting)
About this Talk
Thanks to Covid-19, we now know remote work is possible at scale. But how do we ensure inclusion and psychological safety for diverse team members we no longer see face-to-face? Kay will share DEI industry trends and best practices to effectively foster inclusion in the virtual environment.
Session Takeaways
- Why diversity, equity, and inclusion is critical to remote work
- How to leverage technology to foster inclusion and belonging
- What you can do to prioritize psychological safety for remote teams
Facts Related To The Presentation
Studies have shown that providing a comprehensive remote work policy helps organizations:
- experience 25% less employee turnover than companies that do not allow remote work (Source)
- have 77% of employees report greater productivity when working remotely (Source)
- save up to an estimated $4.5 trillion per year (in the US alone) as a direct result of remote working by 2030, due to improving productivity, reducing fixed overheads and increasing agility.
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