Why wait until the building is on fire!! 10 top nuggets on Equality Diversity & Inclusion to keep the fires at bay!
A Talk by Toni McLelland MSc (Critical Friend, Intermediary & Business Mentor, 1st Life Consultancy Group- Culture Business & Leadership)
About this Talk
The Equalities Act. How to humanise the workplace & avoid a tribunal that could not only be costly but damage the company reputation. I shall share my top 10 nuggets - with a brief description on actions to implement with impact. The presentation will be short simple and informative.
Session Takeaways
Objective 1. Rate 1-10 where you are with each nugget in your business. Look at what is currently in place & look where improvements can be made and how they can be introduced. Objective 2. Identify 2-3 areas that you can implement straight away, 3 areas that can be implemented soon and others that you need to work on.
Facts Related To This Presentation "The highest award in a discrimination claim was £242,130 which was awarded for disability discrimination. There was also an overall decrease in the number of awards made in discrimination claims from 158 last year to 136 in 2017/18.20 Sep 2018" Source: Parliament UK
“The highest sum awarded in an employment tribunal claim in the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018 was £415,227 and was awarded in an unfair dismissal claim” Source: Morton Fraser Lawyers